Mini Phrase Book
The Czech Alphabeth
Letter | Pronunciation | Example and how it might be read (if different) |
A a | like u in but | americký (American) ameritskee; ano (yes) |
Á á | a lengthened as in mama | velká (big) velkah |
B b | same as in English | bratr (brother) bratr |
C c | ts as in bats | centrum (centre) tsentrum |
Č č | ch as in Czech | český (Czech) cheskee |
D d | same as in English | Dobrý večer! (Good evening!) dobree vecher |
Ď ď | like dy in duty | ďábel (demon) dyabel |
E e | e as in pet | žena (woman) zhena |
É é | e lengthened; like a in fair | Dobré opdoledne! (Good fternoon!) dobree ospoledne |
Ě ě | before e; when after m an n is inserted before e | dítě (child) deetie, pěna (foam) pyena |
F f | same as in English | Francouz (French) Frantsouz |
G g | g as in God | galerie (gallery) galerye |
H h | h as in hen | hrob (tomb) hrob |
Ch ch | like the german “ch” in Bach | strach (anxiety) strah |
I i | i as in pit; same as y | pivo (beer) |
Í í | i lengthened as in meet; same as ý | Jiří (George) Yirzhee |
J j | y as in yes | Jezero (lake) yezero Jan (John) yahn |
K k | same as in English | Káva (coffee) kahva |
L l | same as in English | láska (love) lahska |
M m | same as in English | muž (man) muzh; město (town) mnesto |
N n | same as in English | náměstí (town square) nahmnestee; ne (no) |
Ň ň | y after n; like ne in new | žizen (thirst) zhizeni |
O o | o as in los_t | rohlík (roll) _rohleek |
Ó ó | o lengthened as in lawn or call | salónek (lounge) salohnek |
P p | same as in English | prosím (please) proseem |
Q q | Found only in borrowed words | quantum (quantum) |
R r | rolled a bit, but don’t overdo it! | robot (robot) robot |
Ř ř | pronounced sort of like an r with ž; this is the most difficult sound in Czech | Dvořák dvorzhahk |
S s | same as in English | sedm (seven) sedm |
Š š | sh as in shell | Št’astný (happy) shtiastny |
T t | same as in English | tuk (fat) |
Ť ť | like tue in Tuesday | Dobrou chuť! (bon appétit!) dobrow huti |
U u | oo as in look | učitel (teacher) ootchitel |
Ů ů | u lengthened; oo as in school | sůl (salt) sool |
Ú ú | same as ů; usually used only at the beginning of a word | úleva (relief) uuleva |
V v | same as in English | voda (water) |
W w | same as in English, but this letter is only found in borrowed foreign words | whiska (whisky) |
X x | Found only in foreign words | xenofob (xenophobe) |
Y y | same as i; i as in sit | ty (you informal) tee; vy (you plural and formal) vee |
Ý ý | y lengthened; same as í | černý (black) chernee bílý (white) beelee |
Z z | same as in English | zámek (castle, lock) zahmek |
Ž ž | s as in pleasure or ge as in rouge frequently spelled zh | Žízen (thirst) zhyzeny |
Saying “Hello” | ||
Good morning! | Dobré rano!; Dobré jitro!; | dobre rano; dobre yitro |
Good evening! | Dobrý večer! | dobree vetcher |
Good night! | Dobrou noc! | dobrou notz |
Hello! (“Good day!” | Dobrý den! | dobree den |
Hi! | Ahoj / Čau!/ Nazdar! | a-hoy / tchau / nazdar |
Good bye! | Na shledanou! | na schledanou |
Most frequent words / phrases | ||
Yes | Ano (ano) | ano |
No | Ne (ne) | ne |
Why? | Proč? | protch |
When? | Kdy? | kdy |
What? Who? | Co? Kdo? | tzo / kdo |
Rather not. | Raději ne. | radeiey ne |
I agree. | Souhlasím. | souhlaseem |
That’s very kind of you! | Jste velmi laskav/a. | yste velmy lascaf/a |
Please. | Prosím. | proseem |
Thank you. | Děkuji. | dyekuee |
That´s all right / You are welcome. | Není zač. / Prosím. | nenee zatch |
Excuse me. | S dovolením. | s dovoleneem |
I’m sorry. | Prominte. / Omlouvám se. | promin’te / omlouvam se |
On the right / to the right | Vpravo / doprava | |
On the left / to the left | Vlevo / doleva | |
Straight (on) | Rovně | rovnye |
Ladies | Dámy / Ženy / Paní | dahmi / zheny / panee |
Men | Páni / Muži | pany / muzhy |
Do you speak English / Czech? | Mluvíte anglicky / česky? | mlooveete anglitsky / chesky |
I don’t speak Czech / English | Nemluvím česky / anglicky. | nemluveem chesky |
I don’t understand. | Nerozumím. | nerozumeem |
Emergencies | ||
Help! | Pomoc! | pomots |
Look out! | Pozor! | pozor |
Thief! | Zloděj! | zlod(y)ei |
Fire! | Hoří! | horzhi |
Are you all right? | Je ti dobře? | ye tee dobrzhe |
Call an ambulance! | Zavolejte sanitku! | zavolayte sanitku |
Call the police! | Zavolejte policii! | zavolayte politsee |
Where is the police station? | Kde je policejní stanice? | kde ye politseyni stanitse |
I have lost my documents / wallet. | Ztratil jsem doklady / peněženku. | ztratil (y)sem docklady |
What’s your name? | ||
My name is Jana. | Jmenuji se Jana | emenooee se yana |
What is your name? | Jak se jmenujete? | yack se emenooiete |
This is my friend, Pavel. | Toto je můj kamarad, Pavel | to ye muy camarad, Pavel |
This is Mr. Rychlý. | Toto je pan Rychlý | toto ye pahn reehlee |
This is Mrs. Rychlá, his wife. | Toto je paní Rychlá, jeho manželka | toto ye pahnee reehla, iecho manzhelcka |
Nice to meet you | Těší mě | t(y)eshee m(y)e |
How are you? | Jak se máte? | yak se mate |
I’m fine, thank you. | Mám se dobře, děkuji | mahm se dobrzhe, d(y)ekooyi |
Getting your way around | |
Where can I buy tickets ? (underground, tram, bus) | Kde se prodávají jízdenky? |
How do I get to the airport / bus / train station? | Jak se dostanu na letišti / autobusové nádraží / vlakové nádraží? |
How much is a single ticket to….? | Kolik stojí jízdenka do…..? |
A return ticket, please. | Zpáteční jízdenku, prosím. |
Next stop: Můstek | Příští zastávka: Můstek. |
Transfer to line A/B/C | Prestup na linku A/B/C |
Get off on the right/left side facing the engine | Vystupujete vpravo/vlevo ve smeru jizdy |
Please stop getting off and on, the doors are closing | Ukoncete prosim vystup a nastup, dvere se zaviraji |
What is the rate per kilometer? | Jaká je sazba za kilometr? |
Taxi: Are you free? | Jste volný? |
Please stop here. | Prosím zastavte tady. |
Happy journey! | Št´astnou cestu! |
Directions | |
Excuse me, where is the bus / tram / underground station? | Prosím vás, kde je stanice autobusu / tramvaje / metra? |
Is it near? | Je to blízko? |
Turn right / left. | Zahněte doprava / doleva. |
Go straight, follow this sign. | Jděte prímo, po této značce. |
How far is it? | Jak je to daleko? |
Where is the Old Town Square? | Kde je Staroměstské náměstí? |
Where can I find a map of the city? | Kde najdu mapu města, prosím? |
How much is the entrance fee? | Kolik stojí lístek? |
At the hotel | |
Can you cancel / confirm my reservation? | Můžete zrušit / potvrdit mou rezervaci? |
Do you have any rooms available? | Máte volné pokoje? |
Fully booked / No Vacancies. | Hotel je plně obsazen. |
I would like a single / double room. | Prosil bych jednolůžkový / dvoulůžkový pokoj. |
I would like a room for one night / two nights. | Chtěl bych pokoj na jednu noc / na dvě noci. |
Does the price include breakfast? | Cena zahnuje i snídani? |
How much is a double room? | Kolik stojí dvoulůžkový pokoj? |
The heating isn’t working | Nefunguje mi topení. |
At the restaurant | |
A table for two, please. | Stůl pro dva, prosím. |
What will you have? | Co si dáte? |
What would you recommend? | Co byste mi doporučil? |
I’ll have …. | Dám si …. |
Enjoy your meal! | Dobrou chut’! |
I’ll have a beer please. | Dám si jedno pivo prosím. |
That was delicious, thank you! | Bylo to vynikající, děkuji! |
Check please! | Zaplatíme! |
Shopping | |
How much is it? | Kolik to stojí? |
I’ll take it. | Vezmu si to. |
Can I pay by card? | Můžu zaplatit kartou? |
May I try it on? | Muhu si to zkusit? |
Keep the change. | Drobné si nechte. |
Changing money | |
Where is a bank? / an exchange office | Kde je banka / směnárna? |
I need to exchange money. | Potřebuji si vyměnit peníze. |
I would like to change …. euro / American dollars. | Chtěl bych vyměnit ….. euro / americké dolary. |
What is your commission? | Jakou účtujete provizi? |
Where is a cash machine? | Kde je bankomat? |
At the Bank | |
Where is a bank? / an exchange office | Kde je banka / směnárna? |
I need to exchange money. | Potřebuji si vyměnit peníze. |
I would like to change …. euro / American dollars. | Chtěl bych vyměnit ….. euro / americké dolary. |
What is your commission? | Jakou účtujete provizi? |
Where is a cash machine? | Kde je bankomat? |
What’s wrong? | |
Out of order. | Mimo provoz. |
Closed due to technical reasons. | Z technických důvodů zavřeno. |
The number you are calling does not exist. | Volané číslo neexistuje. |
May I help you? | Máte přání? |
Stop exiting and boarding the train, the doors are closing! | Ukončete výstup a nástup, dveře se zavírají! |
Days of the week | ||
Monday | Pondělí | Po |
Tuesday | Úterý | Út |
Wednesday | Středa | St |
Thursday | Čtvrtek | Čt |
Friday | Pátek | Pá |
Saturday | Sobota | So |
Sunday | Neděle | Ne |
Months of the Year | |
January | leden |
February | únor |
March | březen |
April | duben |
May | květen |
June | červen |
July | červenec |
August | srpen |
September | září |
October | říjen |
November | listopad |
December | prosinec |
Seasons of the Year | |
spring | jaro |
summer | léto |
fall / autumn | podzim |
winter | zima |
Time units | |
second | sekunda |
minute | minuta |
hour | hodina |
day | den |
week | týden |
month | měsíc |
year | rok |
season of the year | roční období |
Czech numbers | ||||
one | jedna | 1st | first | první |
two | dvě | 2nd | second | druhý |
three | tři | 3rd | third | třetí |
four | čtyři | 4th | fourth | čtvrtý |
five | pět | 5th | fifth | pátý |
six | šest | 6th | sixth | šestý |
seven | sedm | 7th | seventh | sedmý |
eight | osm | 8th | eighth | osmý |
nine | devět | 9th | ninth | devátý |
ten | deset | 10th | tenth | desátý |
eleventh | jedenáct | 11th | eleventh | jedenáctý |
twelve | dvanáct | 12th | twelfth | dvanáctý |
thirteen | třínáct | 13th | thirteenth | třínáctý |
twenty | dvacet | 20th | twentieth | dvacátý |
fifty | padesat | 50th | fiftieth | padesátý |
one hundred | sto | |||
two hundred | dvě stě | |||
one thousand | tisíc | |||
five thousand | pět tisíc |
Czech proverbs | |
He laughs best who laughs last. | Kdo se smeje naposledy, ten si smeje nejlepe. |
Make hay while the sun shines / Strike while the iron is hot. | Kuj zelezo, dokud je zhave. |
Let bygones by bygones | Co bylo, to bylo. |
All is well that ends well. | Konec dobry – vsechno dobre. |
Haste makes waste. | Dvakrat mer, jednou rez. |
It’s no use crying over spilt milk. | Pozde plakat nad rozlitym mlekem. |
Like father, like son. | Jaky otec, takovy syn. |
It’s raining cats and dogs. | Leje jako z konve. |
Look before you leap. | Nerikej “hop” dokud jsi nepreskocil. |
Practice makes perfect. | Cviceni dela mistra. |
Rome was not built in a day. | Rim nebyl postaveny za den. |
Speech is silver, silence is golden. | Mluviti stribro, mlceti zlato. |
There’s no smoke without fire. | Neni koure bez ohne. |
Birds of a feather flock together. | Vrana k vrane seda, kazdy stejneho si hleda. |
Two heads are better than one. | Vic hlav, vic vi. |
When in Rome do as the Romans do. | Kdo chce s vlky byti, musi s vlky vyti. |
When the cat is away the mice will play. | Kdyz je kocour pryc, mysi maji pre. |
First come, first served. | Kdo driv prijde, ten driv mele. |
A friend in need is a friend indeed. | V nouzi poznas pritele. |
To err is human, to forgive divine. | Chybovat je lidske, odpoustet bozske. |